Summer NAMM is rife with guitar clinics for guitarists of all skill levels. The Wanna Play Music Day (Saturday, July 23) is a joint venture, all-day event set up by NAMM and Guitar Player for consumers to make the most of the showroom floor and soak in all the instruction they can get for a measly $15.
The range of clinics has traditionally been the most valuable take-away for the consumer-going NAMM fan. Previous years have included an Effects 101 clinic where pros introduce you to the, “basic families and flavors of effects, help you to identify the signature tones produced by classic effects, understand their use and application, and how to get some of the more iconic sounds of our guitar heroes.” Fans will also be privy to clinics on topics like how to get the best tone from your amp, guitar care and maintenance, how to set up your gear, and how to get more gigs.
Not to be underestimated, Summer NAMM has taken care to keep guitarists in tune with technology as well, offering clinics on using software like Garage Band and Logic Pro Test Drive. You’ll learn how to set up a home studio and a live sound system like a pro. NAMM presenters will even teach songwriters how to protect their work in the digital age.
For the experienced players looking to soak up some professional instruction, Summer NAMM will offer Master clinics from world-class guitarists, as well as clinics offering advice on how to make your music shine enough for an endorsement.